A variable-geometry vocal group founded in 2023 in Berlin by composer Justin Lépany (FR) alongside Naile Tuncer (DE/TUR), Ned Stuart-Smith (UK) and Dóra Halas (HUN). Its vocation is the exploration of contemporary repertoire, sound experimentation and the intensive practice of collective improvisation. Its ambition is to rethink the practice of polyphonic vocal music from the inside out, freeing it from the conventions accumulated over the centuries, and to nourish it with what makes music today: work on sound, the use of alternative vocal techniques, the growing influence of electronic music and sound art, as well as a flexible and open approach to multidisciplinarity.
Coming concerts and performances:
– 3 performances at the Deutsches Romantik-Museum as part of World Museum Day, Frankfurt (DE), 19 May 2024.
– performance in Noiseberg featuring dancer Èle Faki, Berlin (DE), 02 June 2024.
– performances as part of the Nuit Blanche, Charleville-Meziere (FR), 12 October 2024.
For contact and booking: email